DEC 2010- Red Bay Cave, Bermuda. Detailed underwaterand dry survey, 2638 feet. Map published to Dr. Thomas Iliffe, Texas A&M, Galveston, Bermuda Caving Club, landowner.
Walsingham Cave
Walsingham Cave is in a cave park in Bermuda. A nearby Pond, Blue Grotto Pond obviously had caves in its walls, and I surmised that they could be physically connected to make one cave. On 31 December 2010 I added 250 feet of line, and connected the two caves via an underwater crawlway.
Walsingham Cave Photo: Cliff Vachon via Panaramio
Blue Grotto Pond Photo: Andy Triggs via Panaramio
Palm Sink Cave System, Bermuda
DEC 2010- Palm Sink Cave System, Bermuda. Detailed underwater and dry survey 5126 feet. Map published to Dr. Thomas Iliffe, Texas A&M, Galveston , Bermuda Caving Club, landowner.